First of all, I am very happy to introduce Korean tools to you through this web site. On behalf of the Korean tools industry, the cooperative would like to introduce the current status of the industry and information on tools and their manufacturers to Internet users both in and outside Korea.

The information on tools manufacturers, in particular, covers products such as metal, non-ferrous metal, stone, wood, construction/architecture tools, high-speed steel tools, diamond tools, carbide tools, saw and knife tools, hand tools, electric power and pneumatic tools, measuring tools, magnetic tools, and more. The quality of these tools is guaranteed by the KOTIC. Moreover, this information along with the product catalogues will help you browse our site for useful information.

It is our intention to contribute to the promotion of Korean tools, which are of outstanding quality. Korean tools have attained world-class quality as a result of unceasing research and the extensive marketing by Korean tools manufacturers through this web site.
In the future, in order to meet the demands of all users, we will continue to provide the latest information with a professional Korean tools industry information service that is based upon the continual collection and reflection of the opinions and comments of all visitors to our web site.

We expect that our web site will be of much help to all users and hope that many of you will visit us here on the Internet often.

Thank you very much.

TOOL BLDG., 46, Sinsoo-ro, Mapo, Seoul, 04088, Korea. / Tel : 82-2-711-0989 / Fax : 82-2-3272-5059
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