- Submission of improvement suggestions to the government and plans to explore means of developing the tools industry after conducting research on problems and obstacles within the industry
- Establishment of policies to develop the tools industry and the execution of government-consigned tasks
The search for support systems and a path for the development of the tools industry by conducting research and analysis on the current status of the industry
Collective sales for the purpose of supporting tools manufacturers sales routes and the collective purchasing of raw and secondary materials, facilities, and machinery necessary for the production of tools manufacturers products
To contribute to the stable management and increased productivity of the tools industry through funding for the collective purchase of raw materials, through various policies and through reductions on bank drafts
- Inviting renowned foreign technicians to Korea to provide special technical training sessions at plants and visiting famous tools manufacturers in and out of Korea
- Holding various management training sessions and technical seminars and fostering quality improvement and support for the acquisition of international standards
- Participation in famous tools-related exhibitions overseas and the dispatch of teams to open up foreign markets
- Management of a tools site on the Internet and research into the current status of overseas tools markets
- Importation and exportation on behalf of other organizations and upon recommendation of potential buyers
- Publication and distribution of comprehensive catalogues for overseas promotion
- Organizing the Seoul International Tool Exhibition and sponsoring participation of member companies in overseas exhibitions
- Began the establishment and management of a permanent exhibition center for tools
Business cooperation and information-sharing with organizations related to the tools industry
- Provision of administrative support to needy tools manufacturers
- Publication of various technical data and materials on tools
TOOL BLDG., 46, Sinsoo-ro, Mapo, Seoul, 04088, Korea. / Tel : 82-2-711-0989 / Fax : 82-2-3272-5059
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